Another site is already using this domain -

I get this error when I try to add this domain for my netlify site:

“Another site is already using this domain” error trying to set custom domain “” on site “transcendent-lollipop-4cf3a0”, Support info: f96d498c-91be-4971-8d76-2a9d2b919c4c

Can someone help please?

My netlify site is:

@uchilles Follow this support guide to verify ownership of the domain:

The value you would use is:

Once you’ve added the TXT record post here again, and a Netlify staff member will verify and then remove the domain from whatever other account it is associated with.

Thanks @nathanmartin

I’ve updated the txt record now.


Can someone please help? @Melvin ?

Hi @uchilles,

Thanks for reaching out! Sorry for the delay.

I’ve verified the TXT Record, you should be able to add the domain to your site/account now. Please let us know if you’re still having issues. Thanks!


When I try to setup Netlify DNS for the site, I still get the error that says:
name has a conflicting custom domain in another account

Hi @uchilles,

Thanks for following up and letting us know. I’ve found the domain/subdomains being used on other sites, they’ve now been cleared. Could you try again and let us know if you’re still having issues?

It’s fixed now. Thanks @melvin and @nathanmartin