@fool While I understand where you’re coming from, you can’t have your cake and eat it too, you can’t both claim to be a company with a core value of transparency, and simultaneously wax lyrical to me about how much of a waste of time it is for the team to provide.
It also doesn’t matter if the “Drag & Drop” functionality is the “least-desirable and least-capable upload method”, you’re still offering at as a feature, and it’s not a great look to have it just hang when the builds are too large, even if you deem it to be “user error”.
I can’t imagine there’s anything preventing your team from engineering the solution better, such that it actually provides a contextual error on the build page sooner.
Your customers can only go on the information they’re provided, which is generally why they seek transparency, and has been an issue that I’ve encountered several times from Netlify, being berated in a passive aggressive and often condescending fashion because I didn’t know something that the internal staff know.
It’s quite simple, if you don’t tell people, they don’t know.
Your support guides are actually quite difficult to find, as is the forum itself difficult to search, so you can’t just point at something that isn’t contextual and go… “we said it here 3 years ago, we never need to say it again or improve upon our message delivery”.
I’m not sure if you’re suggesting that the reason for the last 7 or so people reporting “drag & drop” issues were all that their “projects were too large”, but had you mentioned it in any of the previous threads, and especially at the point where I asked for transparency, then it would have changed the way I responded to everyone encountering the issue.
For example, I would have advised them to check the size of their build and visit that support guide.