Unable to map the external custom domain with netlify - Awaiting External DNS

Netlify site name : ayinigroup.netlify.app
I purchased a domain name ayinigroup.in from godaddy as netlify doesnt support .IN at this moment.
I have also created an DNS record with CNAME www and value as ayinigroup.netlify.app in godaddy.

Basially, Im trying to do the DNS update to map www.ayinigroup.in to ayinigroup.netlify.app.

But, the primary domain (ayinigroup.in) in netlify says “Awaiting External DNS” for more than 24 hours. and the secondary domain ( www.ayinigroup.in) which automatically redirects to primary domain and is giving a 404 error. Unable to switch the secondary to primary because it throws the following error,
We’re provisioning a certificate for your site, you cannot change custom domains until that process completes

So, Im struck now. Could someone please help me on this please?

You will need to also set a DNS record for the apex domain ayinigroup.in. Docs link included below for your reference.

Two options here:

  • If your DNS provider supports it, you can create an ALIAS, ANAME, or flattened CNAME record for ayinigroup.in pointing to apex-loadbalancer.netlify.com.

  • Or if your DNS provider does not support it, set an A record to

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Thank you so much @hartanto