[Support Guide] Error message when adding credit card to Netlify

Last Reviewed by Netlify Support Staff: October 2024

Are you trying to enter a credit card into app.netlify.com but getting an error instead?

One thing to try is entering your credit card in an incognito window without any browser extensions enabled. We’ve seen ad-blocking-type browser plugins and other plugins inhibit our communication with our authentication service, and create unpredictable behavior. Please test in an incognito window before you post in the forums or try and contact support.

If that doesn’t help, please screenshot the error in your Browser dev tools. Something like this​ image:

This will help us debug the issue and get things resolved quicker. Please open a new Community topic in the Admin category with your screenshot, and please make sure you do not expose your credit card details! We encourage you to blur or cover any private data so that your accounts remain secure - we are not liable if you upload sensitive data and your account is compromised as a result. Thanks for helping us help you!

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