So i am trying to create a sub-domain to use for my WordPress blogsite. how do i go about that? i tried editing the automatically generated sub-domain by netlify and it won’t let me.
Even when I try to change the site name from the auto-generated one by netlify, it does not let me. it says this name has been taken. am confused. please see attached screenshot.
last question, is there some kind of discord group for netlify? or even customer support numbers?
The domain is:-
site name : bright-entremet-5958d4
The site name is where the site appears as a subdomain of
So that error is correct, since a site already exists at
Thank You Nathan. How were you able to access this information? I mean the sub-domain URL link information. where can i click on my netlify account to see this info?
if the subdomain site already exist at bmicalculate.netlify.Why do i keep seeing this auto-generated URL link in the screenshot? why can’t i change it to the actual site name?
@djkabzy I’m confused as to what you’re even asking about.
Sites always initially get assigned an automatically generated name
Users can change the name to a custom name (if the name chosen is available)
Users cannot change the name to a name that is already used by another site
(as two or more sites cannot possibly exist at the same location)
If bmicalculate is one of your sites, and you were trying to replace it, then you would need to remove it from the existing site first. If it’s not your site, then you’ll not be able to use it.
If you’re only trying to configure a custom domain or subdomain, then it doesn’t matter what the Netlify site name is and you don’t use that part of the interface at all.
Your site doesn’t need to be for you to use
I own the domain and the tool. I am trying to add a subdomain to my WP blogging account to connect that with my lovable built tool.
I am really at a loss here. Why is it so hard, and maybe impossible, to change my website name from the “auto-generated name” to what I want on Netlify?
And yes, I may not be tech-savvy, but I don’t think it should be difficult for one to change their sub-domain name or site name to what they want it to be.
Especially knowing it’s a sub-domain, so usually, it is treated as a different entity from the actual domain. So if it’s seen and treated as a sub-domain, why can’t I just change it?
Why does netlify keep saying, this name is taken? Look at the screenshot, when I click on the “auto-generated link, it resolves to the site” When I input the sub-domain that you said in your earlier response already existed, it doesn’t resolve.
could you explain 1. Explain why is that. 2. If nothing can be done, would you then advise I just use the “ugly auto-generated sub-domain link” as my sub-domain address to input into the WP account that am creating? Or what’s your advice? Am really at a loss here.
[quote=“nathanmartin, post:10, topic:134754”]
Trying to host your site at the custom domain
(Which seems to already show the same calculator)
The site is already hosted at the custom domain. Its active and its owned by me. What i was looking to do was setup a sub-domain with netlify, get the CNAME or A records to input in my domain registers portal in order to activate this sub-domain.
[quote=“nathanmartin, post:10, topic:134754”]
Trying to host your site at a subdomain of
Then i can use the sub-domain to blog on wordpress, where i can get some sort of API key to connect to my lovabable built site ( hosted with netlify and hopefully that blog article will auto populate on the website.
[quote=“nathanmartin, post:10, topic:134754”]
Trying to host your site at a nice clean URL?
Now you might be thinking why not just use the domain to blog, since the blog content will be for the website anyways. The reason is, if am to do that, then, i have to move my hosting to WP. and you and i know, that WP isnt a hosting partner for lovable. But for the sub-domain, since its a different entity, but very similar name to the primary domain, i can do that. inbtw am shocked someone else, has my sub-domain as theirs. Even when i put “-”, it says its taken too. this’s ridiculous. And for the records again BMICALCULATE.ORG belongs to me. i have the keys
It’s true that you own that domain name, but it’s also unfortunately irrelevant.
Anyone can set their site name to any name that is available.
(You’re also ignoring the fact that people own,, etc)
The interface to input your site name is correct when it’s telling you these names are taken, but another way you could check, (and confirm to yourself what is already there), would be to use your browser address bar to hunt for an available name.
By simply checking if sites exist at
If it shows “Site Not Found” then it’ll be available for you to use.
Here’s an example I just tried with
ok. done. and fixed . i changed the site name to bmicalculatey and that auto chnaged the sub-domain name. now i can blog with that, and connect to my main site. inbtw, yo said you did’nt know what was… I think you should check it out. its great tool.