Hi there. I have a custom domain parkascomedy.com. The Netlify site name is parkascomedy.netlify.app. I’m using Netlify nameservers and have configured that according to the docs. The website loads for most people, however the SSL certificate section is displaying the warning ‘doesn’t appear to be served by Netlify’.
I clicked on the renew certificate button and waited over 48 hours in the hope this would be resolved. I’ve also taken a look at the NS records using DNSChecker which seems fine.
I’ve read the SSL/TLS certificate provisioning support guides. The troubleshooting guide also mentions checking the http headers, which I’ve done returning X-Nf-Request-Id 01GD2J8P2G1PSCQF1A1X89EBNQ and X-Nf-Request-Id 01GD2J8P2ZBJ4B5Y712D7RK837 respectively. It also shows the server is Netlify.
I’m not sure how to resolve this issue and whether everything is set up correctly? I’m hoping someone can help clarify things. Cheers!