SSL/TLS certificate problem

a few weeks ago,i had domain problem, fisrt, this problem has been sovled,but the certificate can’t renew,the window show me “DNS verification failed doesn’t appear to be served by Netlify”,but my web is appear to be served by Netlify,why i can’t renew the certificate?

Hi, @leochien0328
Can you please share your Netlify Site name? I have pinged both [http/https]:// but it throws an error. I’ll have a look at your Netlify domain and see if that’s also inaccessible.


that is my domain name

I need your Netlify site name. You can find this in the settings

site name is:

Do you know why you are aliasing to Render with the same domain? This could be a reason why things are throwing as doesn’t exist and the error thrown from is too many redirects… likely bouncing the browser back and fourth between your Netlify site and the Render one.

If you don’t need these records, consider deleting them and redeploying.

Hi @leochien0328,

If you remove the ALIAS Record and the CNAME Record, are you able to renew the SSL Certificate?

I’m seeing errors here:

Let us know if you continue to have issues.

my domain name is buy on natlify,basicilly my domain name is point to the,but is render provibe to me,and this URL is my API and the render’s setting have Custom Domains 's option , so i right the netlify’s domain name on this option,so how can i do.

my domain name is buy on natlify,basicilly my domain name is point to the,but is render provibe to me,and this URl is API and the render’s setting have Custom Domains 's option , so i right the netlify’s domain name on this option,so how can i do.

Please remove the CNAME and ALIAS records pointing to render. At the moment you are aliasing to both Netlify and Render which as you explained, isn’t your intention.

i remove the records and right now just waitiing the netlify DNS,thanks you

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Hi @leochien0328 following up from your newly created post in a different thread

The DNS should of definitely propagated by now :face_with_diagonal_mouth:. There are no errors on the domain at present: Let's Debug

Can you please try manually renewing the SSL certificate in your site’s settings:

Domain management → SSL/TLS Certificate → Renew certificate

Then re-deploy the site with the cache cleared:

Deploys → Trigger deploy → Clear cache and deploy site

Let me know if this does anything

i had renew the certificate but the ssl/tls doesn’t change ,it show me the same error to me ,
and about the clear cache and deploy site this option i already did,doesn’t change.

Okay thank you that’s helpful.
I believe you have deleted all records on your domain - not just the Render-aligned ones.

I suggest you follow the domain setup to re-add the relevant DNS records needed to get your domain served by Netlify :slightly_smiling_face: