Hi, @andreacanton. I see the Netlify DNS configuration here:
However, our DNS servers are not the ones being used by this domain:
$ whois andreacanton.com | grep -i "name server"
Name Server: NS1.TH.SEEWEB.IT
Name Server: NS2.TH.SEEWEB.IT
Name Server: NS1.TH.SEEWEB.IT
Name Server: NS2.TH.SEEWEB.IT
Hi! I have the exact same issue… Am using an external DNS provider for swisswoodsolutions.ch. The A-record configuration worked fine, as well as DNS verification, but i get the same error as Andrea when i click “provide certificate”. Thanks for any thoughts and ideas, as the site currently is not secure and i think it also stops the forms from functioning properly. Best, Rosanne