Hi, @devgru. There is a CAA DNS record for this domain limiting who can create SSL certificates for it:
storeno8.com. 7200 IN CAA 0 issue "globalsign.com"
You will need to modify the CAA record to also allow Let’s Encrypt to create SSL certificates if you want us to create the automatic Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates for this site.
Please keep in mind that there is a 2 hour (7200 second) TTL on that CAA record so it might take that long for the previous record to expire if you change it.
Once the CAA record is updated, the button to renew or provision the SSL certificate should work. If it doesn’t work, or if there are other questions, please let us know.
[Edit] @devgru, I also noticed that you created a DNS zone for this domain at Netlify but are not using it. That will also need to be fixed before SSL provisioning will work. There is more about this second issue here: