Someone please help me on how to deploy my React javascript website. I've done everything I could and still not working

My website name/url is:

I’m new ain netlify, and a junior programmer as well. I’ve builded a website that took me a lot of time and effort, and It is working perfectly in my computer, but when I deployed in netlify it worked BUT the website is completely blanck. It’s all white and nothing is showing up. I’ve done EVERYTHING i could and nothing worked… I’ve connected my github repository to netilify, you guys can see my code here: GitHub - DanteRael/iPhone-15-Apple-website: I programmed a website showcasing the iphone 15, with lots of animations and a 3d effect. Stack used: Javascript, REACT, Three.js, GSAP.

I’ve tried to do “npm run build”, It created a “dist” file. I went to netlify configurations and set “Functions directory: dist”, and “Build command: npm run build”, but the site is still completely blank and nothing is showing up. PLEASE someone help me, I’m not an advanced programmer, so I would really apreciate if someone could explain to me how to solve It step by step… here is some photos of my code in, or you can see It in my github (link above) :

@DanteRael You have not set your Build Configuration correctly.

So you’re accidentally deploying your source code, which cannot run in the browser.

This is shown by…

The error in the developer console:

Using ‘view source’ on the ‘white page’:

The fact that your source files can be directly loaded:

If you’re having Netlify perform your build, you don’t want your dist directory in your git repository.
You should remove it and add dist to your .gitignore, which it was before you removed it.
It will be recreated at build time.

You do not need to set the Functions directory.

Based on the files in your repository your Build Settings should be:

Base directory =
Package directory =
Build command = npm run build
Publish directory = dist
Functions directory =

All the values that I have left blank above, should be deleted and left blank in your Netlify UI (or showing whatever default value the Netlify UI displays when you try and remove it).

This is because the others use defaults that would work for your site, so you only need the Build command (what command it should run to ‘generate your site’), and the Publish directory (what set of files it should deploy).

Oh, and one other important thing, your site appears to be a ‘clone website’, or at the very least uses assets from a brand that it’s unlikely you have an affiliation with (Apple).

You run the risk of having your site/account suspended.