Somehow my website on Netlify asked some visitors for user/password, but my website does even have that

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Website name:
Last Deploy:

This is a static website made with Nuxt. Generated with Yarn Generate.

ISSUE: Some visitors got this screenshot when visiting on Safari Mobile;

Kind of baffled I am, since there is no such login module on my code. Im guess this is a DNS or SSL issue.

  • we need to know your netlify site name. Example:
  • DNS issues? Tell us the custom domain, tell us the error message! We can’t help if we don’t know your domain.
  • Build problems? Link or paste the FULL build log & build settings screenshot

The better the post - the faster the answer.

hi @lmuzquiz,

this sounds like something is being injected into your site somehow. This is not coming from Netlify.

I believe it might be something similar as what is described here:

Thanks Perry, I thought maybe it was related to Netlify because I saw that you can protect websites with password. (on the paid plan). But if that is not the case, I will install Sentry to start monitoring the website. It only happened with one user who tried to open the website from San Diego California. Could not reproduce the error again. But maybe Sentry will help.

Hi @lmuzquiz, i think that if it was only one user, and sentry doesn’t show anything, you can probably assume it was a local issue. That user might have a virus that is hijacking how their browser behaves. I can guarantee you this is nothing coming from our side for this. Good luck!