Some CSS properties are not applied on the website

I deployed my website with the git hub method, but some css properties are not applied on the deployed website, like Google fonts, background color, items are not aligned correctly, etc. I tried to search on the web but couldn’t find the solution. Please help me with this.

My netlify website link :-

github repository :- GitHub - GJ747/gforce

it is in my local host website

please help me

@gauravjoshi747 The repository link that you’ve provided doesn’t exist.

i updated the link. please do check

i changed visibility setting you can check it now

@gauravjoshi747 If you run your build locally, then serve the built files…

npm run build
npx serve build

You will find it behaves exactly the same as on Netlify.

If you check your index.html file you can see that you’ve specified some elements that should be inside the <head>, outside of it.

Shifting those inside of the <head>, then doing npm run build && npx serve build results in…

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It’s working. Thank you so much. You are a life saver. Thanks once again. :slight_smile: