I’m trying to add the domain “saop.cc” to my site (id: 25c2295e-59d3-4e9a-ba87-41a210771e62), but it says this domain is already managed by other Netlify team.
I was using this domain on another Netlify site before but I have removed it from the site, then deleted the site altogether, and removed the custom Netlify DNS from the domain’s Namecheap admin panel (and waited for 48h).
I’m going to add the support TXT record as suggested here .
% host -t txt verified-for-netlify.saop.cc
verified-for-netlify.saop.cc descriptive text "saop.cc or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team."
Can you change the value to 126441 once this is done. Please write back in and I can verify domain ownership.