Request to Remove DNS Zone for Domain

Request to Reclaim Domain “” After Team Deletion
Hello Netlify Support,

I need assistance with reclaiming my domain`. Here’s a detailed description of the issue:

  1. Netlify Site Name:
    My site name is [alfathahmedcare] (alfathah).
  2. Domain Information:
    The custom domain I am trying to reclaim is I previously had this domain connected to my site through a team on Netlify. However, I accidentally deleted the team where this domain was hosted.
  3. Current Issue:
    When attempting to connect the domain to a new team, I receive the error message: “This domain is already in use.”
  4. Steps Taken:
  • I have added a TXT record to verify the domain ownership in my DNS provider (GoDaddy).
  • The record added: Name: verified-for-netlify and Text Value: [case number: 337520].
  1. Request:
    I kindly request that the DNS zone for be removed from the deleted team, allowing me to reconnect it to my new team.
  2. Link to Verification:
    I have added the TXT record. You can verify it through the following link:
    7.*[case number: 337520]**.

Hi, @amjx. We will not be activating that domain for use on Netlify. You will need to find other hosting for this site.

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Hi [Netlify Support Team],

Thank you for your response. I understand that you cannot activate my domain on Netlify. Could you please provide more details about the issue preventing activation?

If there’s any way I can resolve the problem (e.g., domain verification or compliance measures), I would be happy to follow the necessary steps.

Your guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
[Amjad MM]