I have bound the domain name fsc.relaxops.cc to a deleted account. Can you help me delete the previous record? My subdomain on netlify is friendly-scone-f88fe9.
Sure can do! First can you please verify you own this domain before we remove the DNS records?
Thank you. I have added a txt record with current post url. Am I doing right?
The domain should be available to use.
hi i want to remove dns record occupied by a deleted account please help me
Hi , for what domain?
bloggy.in and alifmall.com please help me its over 1 month happened i till not get solved and i am in big trouble
@syed You’ll need to create TXT records for both domains following this process. Please you include a link to this post as the value.
Which link and how please explain
The link shown in this screenshot
Log into your registrar (GoDaddy) and create the TXT
record mentioned in the previously link support guide.
I have done , added the txt records as u said
Sorry i thing its my issue my problem also like this
Yes he is my team member
right @Altaf is my team member
Both those domains exist in an account that was taken down for spam. I have now disabled your new account as well. You’re not allowed to host content on Netlify.
Please sir help me by anything i am full stressed please my clients are giving warnings
Brother please delete my dns i didnt spam anything
i will proov my domains i bought and i never did any spam things extra plese i beg u give me one chance please delete my account or delete whole account