I can't use my domain after i deleted the account?

Hey i try to add my domain to another account but i have problem now in netlify with:
" designobit.com or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team."

if there is any way to solve it pls let me know.

@moncef Netlify need to remove the domain from the other account manually.

To do this, they first need you to confirm you’re the domain owner by following these instructions:

The value that you would use is:


Once done, let them know by posting here to say it’s ready to be checked.
Then you just need to wait until they see your post, check the value and do the removal.

i am using namecheap can i do that??

@moncef That’s more a question for Google than it is for me.

Here’s what a quick Google coughed up:


sorry, I add the text record

hey nathanmartin i have add the text recored, what’s next

I already provided the “what’s next” in my original post…

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I’ve removed the DNS zone from the old account, you can now successfully add the domain to your new account.

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Same,can you fix mines
Domain name is Occulent.com