I have deleted a Netlify account that had one of my custom domains

I have deleted a Netlify account that had one of my custom domains. Now, when I try to use the same domain on another account, it says, “The domain is already in use by another Netlify DNS account,” even though the previous account is deleted.

Please remove the domain from the previous Netlify account so that I can use it with another Netlify account.

My Account Info

domain: algorithmXlr8.org

Hi @HimanshuSingour,

Thanks for reaching out!

I’m not finding that domain (algorithmxlr8.org) on any Netlify site or account, could you please let us know if that domain is correct?

Yeah its correct: algorithmxlr8.org

i have tried this but still its saying

algorithmxlr8.org or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.

I have given TXT record like this

TXT verified-for-netlify Support mail 1 Hour


Duplicate: I have deleted a Netlify account. in that one of my custome domain is there