I’ve been surfing around trying to find a solution for redirecting 404s to specific netlify pages & decided the _redirects organisation is the solution.
But, in short… because the /about page exists, your rules won’t redirect to the / page. You’ll need to change the rule to a 301!, 404! or similar. The ! makes sure the rule takes effect, even if the / page exists.
If you explain what you want to direct to, and from, we can dive in on a specific rule
Thank you heaps for the response & support. I spent the day working on the ite & trying to implement what you’ve suggested although am having a hard time.
More specifically what I want from the _redirects is a solution to when I refresh on one of the routed pages (AHTAR) for example and it not give me the netlify 404 error.
I considered _redirects as a solution to this as it would mean any error messages would instead be routed to the about page but now I am wondering:
Hey @turnleft, so this is 404ing because of the ! in the rule. I understand what you need now and a ! is not necessary – this will force the rule, regardless of whether the page you’re looking for exists or not
/* /about 404 will send your users to the /about page with a 404, if the page doesn’t exist.