Please help me increase function timeout to 26s

Hi team,

Please upgrade our functions timeout limit to 26 seconds. Right now, it’s timing out after 10.

Let me know what else is needed from us.

Thank you

Site name: klarda-home-prod (site id: b3c38623-bf79-4729-af03-6d440d9871b0)
Site name: klarda-home-staging (site id: 7d1fa1c6-31c6-41f0-9696-938317b41f03)
Site name: klarda-home-dev (site id: 44003144-1061-4462-966f-9689bbb6bbc0)

Hi @NamKieu,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to Netlify’s Support Forums!

I’ve increased the function time limit to 26 seconds for all 3 sites. You’ll need to re-deploy the 3 sites for the change to take effect.

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