Our site (panmaccom) is hosted on your high performance edge network yet both PageSpeed insights and GTMetrix.com are reporting slow server response time and ‘reduce initial server response time’. The site is built in Gatsby. The domain is currently hosted on CloudFlare but with DNS only - we’re not using any of their CDN features.
What could be causing this? How can we resolve/improve it?
@tim-line What evidence do you have to support the statement that your site (panmac.com?) is hosted in Netlify?
What evidence do you have to support the statement that your site (panmac.com?) is using Cloudflare DNS?
@gregraven Just realised there may be some confusion - panmaccom is the instance name in Netlify. The site is actually http://www.panmacmillan.com.
@tim-line Much more better good.
I’m seeing pretty good scores with GTMetrix and testmysite.io.
I don’t know how this impacts speed scores, but in addition to your “normal” page code, you have a metric ton of inline CSS in your styles.xxx.css file, which if referenced instead of being inlined could be cached separately for subsequent page loads.
Our scores are looking better this evening (and are generally pretty good) but I was still seeing slow server response time earlier.
The inlined CSS is part of the Gatsby build - we could probably reduce some of this but I’m pretty sure it’ll still be inlined.