Netlify serving stale builds

Netlify seems to be serving stale content, and I’m struggling to get around it – This just started happening, but seems to have been the case for awhile and was brought to my attention today.

Relevant Site:

I have triggered multiple CD builds for this site and verified that the HEAD the builds page points to is correct and has the updated code. I additionally built and deployed at that HEAD on a local server and the build has the updates. The preview nor the final build is accurate.

Netlify Deploy 63d0535cd1750e423b20ca8a points to GitHub - alicenet/ui at staging which has the correct code for an updated render that is not occurring, there should be additional text on the first modal that is only appearing on my local builds of the same commit hash.

I have tried clearing cache but that hasn’t worked either. No errors during build.

Any tips or deeper cache cleaning that support can do?


Expected Render:

Hi, @ag_alicenet. About this:

Netlify Deploy 63d0535cd1750e423b20ca8a points to GitHub - alicenet/ui at staging which has the correct code for an updated render that is not occurring, there should be additional text on the first modal that is only appearing on my local builds of the same commit hash.

Are you sure? The screenshot you shared contains this text:

  • “Relevant Smart Contracts”

However, when I search the repo, that string doesn’t exist anywhere in any branch:

This is what that search shows for me:

The last commit to this repo was on 2023-01-10 for SHA1 3bc1a4666baeea5919d035d7699d2b14f00d9b6f.

Are you sure you pushed the commit to this upstream repo? If you did not, then Netlify has no way to access the commit as it isn’t in the repo at GitHub.

Thanks for taking a look. However I am quite sure.

3bc1a4666baeea5919d035d7699d2b14f00d9b6f is the hash for the ‘main’ branch while this project builds from the ‘staging’ branch.

The latest commit hash on ‘staging’ is 45e164e46c7e1646a7babbf738ee8174d173e1c5 and the relevant text you searched for can be found here: ui/LanderHelpModal.jsx at staging · alicenet/ui · GitHub

Here is a screenshot of the build page showing the HEAD being at the staging branch:

Additionally here is the deploy preview which additionally does not have the updated render:

Thanks for taking a look


I’m not sure what I’m missing. The content appears to be in sync with your screenshot:

Has something changed?