Netlify Graph support of Trello


I wonder if/when Netlify Graph will support Trello?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey there, @MarcFuSa :wave:

Thanks for reaching out! The current APIs that you can connect to Netlify Graph are: GitHub, Salesforce, Spotify, Stripe, Box, and Contentful. You can read more in the docs here: labs/ at main Β· netlify/labs Β· GitHub

Would you like me to file a feature request for you? If yes, please include a bit more about your use case so that I can share as many details as possible with our Product team.


Hi Hillary

I’m using Trello Rest-API intensively so I’m interested in testing Netlify Graph with Trello.
OneGraph already supports Trello so I think it’s only a matter of time until Netlify supports it.

Thanks for the quick follow up! I have shared this with our Product team :slight_smile:

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