I got a notification about invocation allowance of a function I have no idea about. The site is static, but the build reports mentions one lambda function and I don’t know where it is coming from.
The site name is: https://ardfdc.netlify.app
The repo is in: GitHub - michkhol/ardfdc
Next.js currently uses a Lambda function to work on Netlify. This is the Next.js Server Handler Function. You can read more in our Next.js documentation here:
With Next.js, every single page view that isn’t pulled from CDN cache causes a function invocation. If you do not wish to use SSR, we recommend looking into using Static Exports to avoid this: Deploying: Static Exports | Next.js
The instructions seems not to be recent, but setting the env variable (do I need to do this?), changing the next.config.mjs and publish directory name helped.