Netlify domains

Hello Netlify,

I’ve been using Netlify’s services for awhile and am very happy with it. With that said, I’m considering to register a domain directly through Netlify. The one thing I’m unsure of is whether or not I can use Netlify’s build tools to update a pending website at the purchased domain. The workflow I have in my head is as follows:

  1. Purchase domain name through Netlify
  2. Set up Github repo on my personal account
  3. Push code to the aforementioned Github repo
  4. Link Github repo to Netlify domain
  5. Website at the purchased domain gets updated

Thanks so much Netlify :slight_smile:

The GitHub repo would be linked to a site and the site will be linked to a domain. But the rest is fine.

I assume by site you’re talking about a Netlify site as in

Yes, that is correct.

Ok, thank you very much :slight_smile: