Netlify dev indicates 'no "command" specified'

Hi there :wave:,

When running netlify dev I get the following message:

◈ No app server detected and no “command” specified

netlify dev cli screenshot

However, in my netlify.toml file, I have specified a build command:

  publish = "_site"
  command = "npm run build"

The consequence is that when running netlify dev, it never actually executes npm run build and my site output is not generated.

Here’s a sample project

Github: GitHub - KyleMit/netlify-dev-test: Test case for running netlify dev locally

The site runs just fine on production, but I’d love to be able to put in some dev cycles locally

Any ideas as to how I can convince netlify dev that I have a local “app server” or “command”?


Hey @KyleMit,
I believe you have to specify a build command in a flag:

Could you give that a try and let us know if it works better for you?

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Thanks so much @jen! I was thinking netlify dev would pick up from configuration settings from the [build] block. In looking at the documentation you provided, realized I need to pass in the command flag, as you mentioned, or specify dev server instructions in the [dev] block.

So I’ve added the following to my netlify.toml:

  framework = "#custom"
  command = "npm run build && cd _site && npx live-server"
  publish = "_site"
  targetPort = 3000

I was thinking that netlify dev might host it’s own static site server from the publish directory, but I can’t get that to work even when using framework = #static, so I’m using npx live-server instead to host the built files.

Also, thanks for the quick reply and sorry for the late response on my end - I have email notifications turned on now :slight_smile:

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