I am using VueJS 2.x to deploy my site to netlify. My current deploy is https://jesalgandhi.com, and was deployed using the “netlify deploy --prod” command to use the token-hider netlify function. This build succeeded but did not update the site with the latest files in my directory.
I know this because I changed a file (resume.pdf) on my local directory, pushed the change to github, and re-ran “netlify deploy --prod”, and this change is not reflected on the site. My netlify build states that “All files already uploaded by a previous deploy with the same commits.” My github page shows the newer version of the resume in the directory (personal-website/resume.pdf at main · jesalgandhi/personal-website · GitHub), while this netlify build shows my older version of the resume (see it by clicking “My Resume” on the website).
The deploy log and build settings are below:
2:38:48 AM: Creating deploy upload records
2:38:48 AM: Starting post processing
2:38:48 AM: Post processing - HTML
2:38:48 AM: Post processing - header rules
2:38:48 AM: Post processing - redirect rules
2:38:49 AM: Post processing done
2:38:49 AM: Site is live ✨