Nameserver issue

  • NS issues? Hello, I have an urgent nameserver issue. I have tried multiple times to set the Netlify nameservers with my domain provider, but unfortunately, Strato does not recognize the nameservers and therefore does not accept them. What can I do now?

@hiloite You would:

  1. Check you’re inserting the values correctly
  2. If they are correct, contact Strato

Dear Nathan,

Unfortunately, Strato is leaving me alone with this problem. They told me to contact you instead. I don’t understand why your nameservers are not being accepted. What can I do?

@hiloite Just to be clear, I don’t work for Netlify.

If you aren’t quite sure what you’re doing, the best you could do would be to provide the information you’re trying to input here, so that someone else can check it for you.

  • Copy/paste the nameservers you’re trying to input
  • Show a screenshot of how you’ve inserted them into Strato, (and/or what their error is)

If the values provided by Netlify are correct, and the issue is Strato, it’d be up to Strato to fix.

If they refused to fix it, then your best bet would be to use another provider.

Hello Nathan,

Unfortunately, I am unable to provide you with an error message. As soon as I enter Netlify’s nameservers, they are not applied even after 24 hours—no matter how long I wait, the previously set nameservers remain unchanged.

I also tried adding Netlify’s nameservers via Cloudflare, as my domain is currently pointing there, but unfortunately, that didn’t work either.

I’m really at my wits’ end, and switching providers isn’t an option since my contract was recently extended for another year. That’s why I was hoping for help here.

What values has Netlify’s system told you to input?

@hiloite Those are correct, and I’ve never heard of anyone having any issue inputting them, (and especially not inputting them into Cloudflare).

What’s your domain name?

My domain is:

Netlify simply doesn’t recognize that the domain is being routed through Cloudflare. Strangely enough, it does recognize this for subdomains, but not in this case. Honestly, I have no idea what else I can do…

@hiloite If you have your domain’s nameservers set to Cloudflare, then you would be using Cloudflare as your DNS and would follow the instructions here:

To set the required A record and CNAME.

The CNAME record for www.

The A record for the apex:

Make sure to disable the proxying in Cloudflare too.

Alright, I’ve now tried pointing the A record to the IP. I’ll get back to you soon with feedback. Thanks!