Problem with Awaiting Netlify DNS , even after 48 hours

Netlify site name :

I have a problem , I modified the nameservers on my domain registrar ( ; ; ; ), but even after 48 hours i still get the Awaiting Netlify DNS. I don’t know what to do , can you help me?

@simionmatei What’s the domain name?


@simionmatei I forgot to respond earlier, but thanks for supplying your domain name.

I don’t work for Netlify and can’t assist you further, but this thread now contains all the details they would need to be able to help you.

Hi @simionmatei! I’ve sent this request to our helpdesk, and we’ll follow up shortly via email to get this sorted for you. Thank you!

Hello Netlify Community!

If you need assistance from Netlify Support because you are awaiting Netlify DNS, please submit your request via our form here: Support

This will create a helpdesk ticket so our Support team can help you with your specific case.

Thank you!! We look forward to helping you.

The Netlify Support Team