Nameserver has been updated on GoDaddy side but still Netlify is showing Awaiting External DNS

Nameserver has been updated on GoDaddy side but still Netlify is showing Awaiting External DNS

Also getting error while adding CNAME in Create a new DNS record
This feature is currently under maintenance, please try again later.

GoDaddy Side

I am having the same issues since a couple of hours. Awaiting External DNS, errors creating records (or no response). Namecheap.

Any updates on the issue?

It appears is now working @LogsBoot

I am unable to check your domain @roffi as you did not provide it.

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Mine is, which seems to work for some on laptops and for the others on phones. But not consistently together. It doesn’t resolve for IP address. only have IPv6 records. This means you deleted the NETLIFY records for the domain. Remove the custom domain from your site then reassign it. And do not delete NETLIFY or NETLIFYv6 records from Netlify DNS.

The NETLIFY records stayed there at all times

In that case, there is most likely an issue in Netlify’s backend. You could still try removing the custom domain from the site and reassigning it (may or may not work), otherwise you’ll need to wait for a support engineer to fix this for you.

Ok, thanks - I’ll try that and will update it here if engineer’s support is needed.

Yes, issue is resolved. Thanks

I have removed the DNS zone and custom domain and reassigned it back using Netlify DNS. It shows a successful Netlify DNS setup. It needed about 15 min to propagate fully and now everything works well. Thanks for your help!

Fabulous, thank you for confirming everything is resolved!