My .glb assets are not displaying

I have a Flutter web app that has 3d models, I have an issue with my site not loading the 3d images, the site urrl is and the 3d images are located in the services section
Everything shows when I build it in my local host, but when I deploy the site in Netlify, the 3d assets do not show at all.

The above image shows my directory to the 3d assets they are of format .glb and they exist as shown above but they do not render on the web app

@axelasa The files simply aren’t where the asset references point.

Checking just one of them, it is defined with:

Which tries to load:

That file does not exist:

Checking your screenshot, the path is /assets/assets/three_d/

The file is actually here:

If you mean for it to be /assets/ you would fix what your site produces.

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thank you, sir Nathan Martin, but how come the other assets have the right path on every upload?

this has definitely worked for me, thank you Sir.

@axelasa You should be careful with the size of the assets if you can.

On a fresh load that page is approximately 522 MB, which is huge.

I’m not sure what plan you are on, but if it’s the Starter Plan it comes with:

With the page being 522 MB the overage charges would occur after only 200 views of that page.

thank you for this insight