Moving domain to another site

I have two sites on Netlify and one domain.

How do I move it from one site to another?

First, I tried to add my domain to the current site, but I got this error:

Then I tried to remove the domain from the current site, and I got this error:

How does this work? Should I change the DNS records in the domain settings? Please advise

As the error mentions, you need to remove the domain aliases first before removing the primary domain.

What means domain alias?
Is alias of
I also have multiple sub domain is it also aliases?

A domain alias is marked as such in the UI:


Thank you! So it’s just the email.

The steps I need to take are:

  1. Remove the domain alias.
  2. Remove the primary domain from site1.
  3. Add the domain to site2.

Is that correct?

Yeah, sounds about right!

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