We are a Managed Service Partner and a customer of ours had a web design group based in Ukraine. They have lost contact and don’t know any credentials to attempt to gain access and possibly resume services. the DNS records point back to allegro-prod.netlify.com.
This was the only way i could get support, i tried to email salesenquiries@ but the email bounced.
Please let me know if there is some way to contact support as i’m sure sensitive info will need to be exchanged.
unfortunately not. The email domain, i can see is the developers, however as mentioned they are no longer available. How can we change the credentials to gain access?
@Navman I sent you a private message regarding this over the weekend, I’m happy to try and provide you some guidance privately if you think it’d help.
That’s extremely unfortunate.
There’s still some avenues for recovery but they’re limited to “taking a copy of what is there” (which is minified output and makes changes difficult) or “rebuilding to mimic”.
Hi @natanmartin, i have received your PM, however i am only charged with attempting to recover the credentials. Any further action will be performed by the customer. I will pass on your details, however, if the recovery is not likely, i dare say the customer will not go for this framework again as redundancy will need to be in place.
@Navman That’s no problem at all, I was only offering to help you perform the recovery on behalf of your client, (especially if you’re technical), but if they want to reach out they can.
I wouldn’t say that the problem this client has encountered is related to the “framwork” they’ve used, either in regards to the specific codebase (Gatsby), methodology (Jamstack) or hosting platform (Netlify).
It’s possible for a developer to go MIA without exchanging access/code with any system.