Locked state in custom domain setup

Hi, I got into a locked state in the current UI for adding a custom domain.

Steps how to reproduce:

  • Add a custom domain but don’t verify the DNS (I currently can’t)
  • SSL / TLS will start but it will fail due to the missing DNS configuration. Error message: We could not provision a Let’s Encrypt certificate for your custom domain.
    I added a second domain in which I verified the DNS:
  • Switching the primary domain to that domain is not possible. Error message: We’re provisioning a certificate for your site, you cannot change custom domains until that process completes
  • Deleting the primary domain is not possible: Error message: We’re provisioning a certificate for your site, you cannot change custom domains until that process completes

It’s not possible to verify or change the domain

Site name: shimmering-mermaid-619aac.netlify.app

Hi @MuschPusch,

We’ve changed this from our end.

Hi @hrishikesh ! I am having the same issue.
I am trying to change the primary domain but is not possible due to the provisioning of the certificate.
Is there anyway this can be stop so that I can proceed with the needed change?

Hi, what site is being impacted so we can check?

Hi @SamO ,
The site is annaespi.com and the domain is from google. The Netlify subdomain is xorriespistudio.netlify.app .

I have annaespi.com as primary domain and www.annaespi.com that redirects automatically to primary domain (annaespi.com) and I requested the Let’s encrypt certificate.

Then I realised I needed www.annaespi.com to be the primary domain and annaespi.com to redirect to that one, but since I requested the Let’s encrypt certificate, this change has been impossible.

Thanks for your assistance,


Hi @lexbarba,

I see that the SSL Certificate provisioning has failed. Are you able to set www.annaespi.com as the Primary domain now within the UI?

I’m afraid I can’t. Still get the same error: We’re provisioning a certificate for your site, you cannot change custom domains until that process completes.

Hi, @lexbarba. We’ve made another change. Would you please try again now?

Hi @luke, still getting the same error.

Hi, @lexbarba. I’ve made the primary production domain www.annaespi.com now.

I cannot update the SSL as the DNS isn’t yet pointing to Netlify but the change has been made.

If there are any issues provisioning SSL after the DNS is updated or if there are any other questions, please reply here anytime.

Hi @luke , thanks a lot, but still not working.

DNS records were not ok and while trying to fix them, I ended up removing the custom domain… sorry… Now DNS records look okay, now www.annaespi.com is being served by Netlify as I updated it, but have again the wrong primary domain, that cannot be changed for the same reason: We’re provisioning a certificate for your site, you cannot change custom domains until that process completes .

Could you please do the same fix you did before? Thanks and sorry for the trouble.


Unfortunately, your domain is not pointing to Netlify:

dig A +short annaespi.com
dig CNAME +short www.annaespi.com

Both return nothing.

@hrishikesh having the same issue, I cannot change the primary domain because “We’re provisioning a certificate for your site, you cannot change custom domains until that process completes”.

Could you please check for theblinq.de and stage.theblinq.de?

Both these domains are sitting behind Cloudflare. You’ll need to set these as DNS Only (and the www subdomain) in order to have SSL certificates generated. Read:

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I’m also having an issue setting changing my site’s primary domain and getting the same message (“We’re provisioning a certificate for your site, you cannot change custom domains until that process completes”). Is there anything you can do to unlock this process? I’d like www.paulrudds.computer to be the primary domain, not paulrudds.computer. On another note, why is it that when entering a custome domain, the apex domain is set as the primary domain rather than the www. one, given the docs recommend using the www. one as a site’s primary domain?

P.S. Hi!

Edit: I’ve got it working now. I missed something in the instructions.

Hi, I’m experiencing the same error when waiting for the certificate provisioning and trying to set the www instead of apex as the primary. My domain is managed by Squarespace Domains, and I put in a custom CNAME record with host name www and the value pointing to apex load balancing at Netlify. Is there something different I should be doing to have it point correctly? Why is it taking so long for the certificate to be complete? Thanks, would appreciate any help I can get. The site is linandfang.com

@Flavinger, your DNS is not setup correctly either:

dig A +short @ linandfang.com

returns nothing

This needs to be done for the apex domain, not the www subdomain.

I can see that dig A +short @ cem-group.it
returns nothing. Can you please have a look at these configs and tell me what’s wrong / how to fix?

ALIAS @ apex-loadbalancer.netlify.com 
CNAME www cem-group.it steady-paprenjak-1c5b90.netlify.app

It would appear either records haven’t propagated yet (can take 48 hours) or there is an issue. If the former, wait, if the latter contact your registrar.

I was about to edit my question because I’ve just realized that dig ALIAS +short @ cem-group.it (changed A to ALIAS) returns a couple of IP adresses: and

So, If I’m getting the message We’re provisioning a certificate for your site, you cannot change custom domains... when trying to set www as primary domain, it’s possible that the changes haven’t propagated yet?