I've deleted the site, can i recover my code back?

Hello Netlify Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I recently deleted one of my sites from Netlify and realized afterward that I need access to the files that were deployed on it. Unfortunately, I no longer have a local copy of the code.

The site name was https://unitecdemo.netlify.app/, and it was associated with my account under the email kanhaiyalalbardwa32@gmail.com.

I understand that Netlify may not store backups of deleted sites, but I wanted to inquire if there is any possibility of recovering the deployment files or any assistance you can provide in this matter.

Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Kanhaiya Suthar

Unfortunately, once deleted it’s done forever. We don’t have anything to share for a deleted site.