Internal Server Error 500 with no logs for new Netlify Identity account

I’m having a problem with my functions when accessed by a newly created Netlify identity

What drives me crazy is that it works on local with netlify dev --live.
It also works with older identities, or email/password identities that have been tested out locally already. Which is confusing…

So when I try to access my getTranscripts or uploadAsync functions with this new identity and its bearer token I always get 500 Internal Server Error
with a response like this:

Internal Error. ID: 01JDW08F0207BN7ZHVT24Q3QK1

EDIT: After more digging it seems newly created email/password identities work. Olg google identities also work. But NEWLY created Google identities crash with 500 Internal Server Error

I found some issues in the forum, but it always says if it’s an Internal Server Error, there’s nothing I can do and I need to notify support!

Duplicate: Google authenticated user getting 500 response with no content - #30 by JustGoscha