Could you bump build time for 770c509e-d5d0-46dc-8d05-104103f77291 as much as possible?
Hi @inDigital,
Thanks for reaching out! The function time limit on your site has been increased to the maximum, 26 seconds. Please re-deploy the site for this change to take effect.
26 seconds
? What do you mean?
Could you also clear all the cache regarding the site, because gatsbyImage data on one image is not updating (was set to 1280px but I needed 1920px) and the graphql query page-data is not updating.
Hi @inDigital,
I apologize, I mis-read the feature you wanted increased and increased the function time limit.
I’ve increased the Build Time limit to 1 hour. Could you let us know if you’re still having issues and we can increase it further if needed.
You can clear the cache here:
By going to the Trigger Deploy dropdown menu and selecting Clear cache and deploy site.