I own a domain and want to add a custom domain, but it says "mycustomdomain.com" or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team

Hi Support team.
I want to use a custom domain for my app https://ohvee.netlify.app/ but it says that it’s owned by another team.

mycustomdomain.com” or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team

How can this be resolved? I already tried using the support chat bot and it recommended adding “verified-for-netlify” as a TXT on my DNS which I’ve done.

That’s great. But you haven’t specified the domain you are having issues with @robophil. You need to do that.

Thanks for the quick response. It’s ohvee.com

hi :wave:t6: welcome to the forums. I have removed the DNS zones from your custom domain.

Good luck!