Title says it all. Any help would be appreciated!
hi there! I am actually a little confused and I work here, haha
Would you mind explaining a bit more? Or a screenshot would be even better.
…when the Netlify Identiy widget pops up, I’d like it to default to the SignUp tab, as seen in the attached screenshot. But by default, it opens on the Log In tab, and the user has to click over to the SIgn Up tab to register. How can I have the widget open on the SignUp tab by default?
Hi, per the readme.md here: GitHub - netlify/netlify-identity-widget: A zero config, framework free Netlify Identity widget, you’ll want to open the modal using the following: netlifyIdentity.open('signup');
@Dennis Ach, don’t know why I didn’t notice this! Thanks once again for your help Dennis!
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