Hello Community.
I have been trying to brand the Netlify Identity widget popup for our website.
So based on earlier discussions here and also the awesome Blog Posts on Netlify, I downloaded the Widget from the Github repo
here - GitHub - netlify/netlify-identity-widget: A zero config, framework free Netlify Identity widget.
I tried out changing the CSS and it does work when I try changing the background colors to go with the website. However, I am unable to add a logo onto the popup.
So I searched and found that there have been requests for the same sometime in 2017 ref. the thread here - Add site's brand mark · Issue #15 · netlify/netlify-identity-widget · GitHub and here - Add custom logo support · Issue #80 · netlify/netlify-identity-widget · GitHub. And the thread was marked as closed (the 15th one).
When I run the popup on my local system with its default version (without changing any css or codes), I do not see any logo on the Popup (and so is the thing on the actual popup - no logos)
On the src/components/modal/index.js - there is a mention of (and we do have some SVG for the className netlifyLogo on src/components/modal.css) - but that never shows up on the Popup.
So my Question is - Can we add a logo onto the popup ?
If so - 1. What should be the location of the Logo and
2. How do we get that working/show up.
Thank you people for being there for people like me who get stuck and find no other place to go for a solution.