Hello! I am trying to use netlify identity on my site with the netlify-identity-widget. It is a gatsby site here at https://60c3e392f0b3f63b3f6063f5--boring-pike-11852a.netlify.app/ (that is the most recent preview deploy)
Anyway, everything works fine on local development but on the live site, the Log In button shows up for about half a second and then disappears, any idea what could be causing this?
I am injecting the widget script via react Helmet
// Wrapped around every page via gatsby-browser.js and gatsby-ssr.js
// Libraries
import React from 'react'
import Helmet from 'react-helmet'
// Styled Components
import { GlobalStyle, Wrapper } from './styles'
// Types
import { LayoutType } from './types'
const Layout: LayoutType = ({ children }) => {
return (
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://identity.netlify.com/v1/netlify-identity-widget.js'></script>
<GlobalStyle />
export default Layout
and injecting into my header here
// Libraries
import React from 'react'
// Assets
import Logo from '../../../static/icons/logo.svg'
import Cart from '../../../static/icons/shopping-cart-line-white.svg'
// Components
import SearchBox from '../SearchBox'
import IconWithText from '../IconWithText'
import Button from '../Button'
// Styles
import { Wrapper, TopSectionWrapper, TopSection, NetlifyLogin } from './styles'
// Types
import { HeaderType } from './types'
const Header: HeaderType = () => {
return (
<Logo width='200px' height='auto' />
<SearchBox />
<IconWithText dark large Icon={Cart} url='#'>
<NetlifyLogin data-netlify-identity-button></NetlifyLogin>
export default Header
The NetlifyLogin is just a styled component rendered as a ‘div’