I have two domains, registered through hover.com. Let’s call them
In the past, domain_one.org was pointed at a netlify site. https://domain_one.org worked.
I set up domain_two.wtf to forward to domain_one.org. I suppose this was http only? I will never know now.
Now I have reversed the roles of the domains.
domain_two.wtf has become primary and is pointed at my netlify site. https works.
domain_one.org is configured to forward to domain_two.wtf, in hover.com’s dashboard.
Problem: https://domain_one.org is NOT forwarding (note “s” in httpS).
Hover says this cannot work, as they only provide 302 redirects.
But due to the previous setup, many people have bookmarked https://domain_one.org. So I want that to redirect for both https and http.
Hover says I can configure domain_one.org for DNS redirect, but that I have to get details from Netlify:
“You would have to update DNS to map the domain to the website instead of forwarding. The website host will have to provide you with the required DNS”
“The website host will let you know which DNS records to update. They might say name servers if they want zone file to be managed by them or they might say A records or a CNAME”
I can’t find any specifics in Netlify’s documentation about how to do this. I can’t use a _redirects
file, which all I can find documentation on.
Thanks for any help!