Happy Holidays & Thanks from Netlify Support & Pilots!

Hi Everyone! Perry here - your Community Manager and frequently first point of contact/triage!

It’s been a busy year here in the forums - we’ve seen some pretty unprecedented growth, with tons of new folks asking questions and making suggestions around how we can make our products even better. We’ve seen a batch of new releases, feature updates and a ton more – and the new year is going to bring many exciting changes – more on that soon. But you will like them, I promise!

You’ve seen some amazing Community members, aka the Netlify Pilots - do fantastic work assisting people from all backgrounds and experience levels get through some tricky problems. They’ve answered hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds) of questions.

I want you all to give all of them - they are listed here in alphabetical order - a big THANK YOU for all the time & effort they put in to making this place a great place to get help:

If they helped you out or made your day easier at some point in the last year, please comment below, like, or send them a DM to say thanks!
We - netlify support & staff - couldn’t run this place without them.

(If you :netliheart: Netlify & Front End Web development, and enjoy helping people and learning - consider joining the Pilots! We’ll be opening applications to join at the beginning of 2021. Watch this space for more information. Self taught coders, women, and other underrepresented people in tech are especially encouraged to join us.)

Thank you to everyone who spent time with us this year, made us think, made us learn, reported spam, made us try harder to be inclusive and helpful, made great suggestions and wrote great bug reports!

We’re happy to be here with you and can’t wait to see what next year brings.

Thanks for being the best customers a company could have!
Happy Holidays and a fantastic new year.

-Netlify Support (@perry, @fool, @Dennis, @jen, @luke, @laura and @Scott)

We’ll be a bit short staffed throughout the holidays, but full strength again at the beginning of the new year)


YUGE thanks for all that you do, Community Pilots!!! You all do such tremendous and valuable work and we so appreciate you :sparkles::rocket: Thank you, thank you, t h a n k y o u <3


Happy Holidays everyone!

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Happy holidays Netlifriends! :christmas_tree:

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all.

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Happy Holidays Netlify Team🎉

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Happy new year everyone! Late to the party, took a much needed extended break away from the computer. Hope everyone had a good break! :netliheart: