Is there a way to let Gitlab know if a deployment on the main branch failed ? I looked at deploy notifications Deploy notifications | Netlify Docs but these look like they only work in MRs ?
I also saw this post: Git notifications on non-pull request commits - #3 by futuregerald
Wondering if anyone has come up with an alternative approach ?
site: profound-custard-a5fa77
Hey @hmajid2301 ,
Till date, there are no checks or notifications for non-PR/MR deploys.
I came up with this simple script Haseeb Majid / netlify-gitlab-commit-status ยท GitLab , that can be deployed to say as a Google Cloud Function.
You setup Deployment webhooks from Netlify to this cloud function and then it updates the commit status using the GitLab API.
December 28, 2022, 7:07pm
Hi @hmajid2301 , thanks for letting us know! We appreciate it. (: