Getting back control of my website

“Another site is already using this domain” error trying to set custom domain “” on site “friendly-euclid-4eb45c”

Here is what happened.

  1. I created a site on Netlify after logging in with Github using a current email address.
  2. I deleted the email address that was linked to the Github account. (Trying to save $5/month on my billing)
  3. I tried to log in to Netlify via Github and Github locked me out unless I could verify my email address (which I had deleted)
  4. I created a new account on Netlify and tried to put the website up again. Now the old login is in control of the domain and I don’t know how to get control again.
  5. The domain is parked at Namecheap so I can do whatever I need to to get my site under my control again.

Hi @mel! Welcome to netlify community.

We’ll need to verify some details with you in order to help, so we will contact you via email with next steps.

Thanks so much for your help via email! You got the problem exactly.
