For the past several days, my site’s been receiving spam form submissions (both newsletter sign up and contact forms). I tried implementing recaptcha field, but they kept coming. I added a honeypot field, but they kept coming. I deleted all the forms from my website, and they kept coming!!
The spam form submissions have now pushed me in Form Levels 1 plan and I am having to pay Netlify $19 because of these bots.
This morning, I deactivated form detection on my site entirely. And I hope it will solve it.
But that’s not a durable solution. How come are these entries making it through? And will I ever be able to get the forms back on my website?
The site is whatifididnt.com (or whatifididnt.netlify.app).
The email addresses submitted look like real users (eg. @hotmail, etc.) but the name for the contact form is an auto-generate string, like McfgsOwuIyxAGLq. See screenshot.
I appreciate any help you all can give me to stop and remedy this.