November 20, 2021, 12:59pm
I am getting the following error on the fauna website when trying to add the faunadb addon with netlify addons:auth fauna
Import Netlify Database: It seems something wrong happened. Please try again.
I use an exising faunadb account (using email/password).
Thanks for looking into it.
Hi @ibirrer ,
The add-on is nor managed by Netlify and thus, we cannot comment on what’s happening. Could you post this to Fauna Support and confirm with them?
Additionally, you probably don’t need the add-on and it’s easy to integrate FaunaDB in a Netlify website. Check this for example:
// Require the Node Modules
const faunaDB = require('faunadb')
// Initialize FaunaDB with the key from environment variables
const commentsDB = new faunaDB.Client({
secret: process.env.FAUNADB
// Set showdown config
const showdownConfig = {
emoji: true,
tables: true,
underline: true,
noHeaderId: true,
encodeEmails: true,
strikethrough: true,
simpleLineBreaks: true,
parseImgDimensions: true,
simplifiedAutoLink: true,
openLinksInNewWindow: true,
This file has been truncated. show original
November 22, 2021, 10:54pm
Hi @hrishikesh
Thanks for your response. It actually works fine without the fauna add-on. Just wanted to point out that I wasn’t abe to run the command described at Integrations overview | Netlify Docs successfully.