Hello. Thank you for any help you can provide here is a detail of the goal I am trying to achieve, the steps that I have taken to try and achieve this goal, and the error messages that have come along the way.
** I have gone through all of this with the FaunaDB support team, and we are confident it is a porblem with Netlify and not on the Fauna Addon side **
GOAL: To be able to see the FaunaDB (GraphQL) database that was created with netlify functions:create in the Fauna dashboard
ACTION 1: netlify addons:auth fauna
The Fauna dashboard did populate with the schema from my Netlify Functions schema
BUT then on netlify dev I get the following error message:
Response with status 500 in 264 ms. ◈ Error during invocation: [ { message: ‘Ref refers to undefined database 'backend'’, extensions: { code: ‘invalid ref’ } } ]
ACTION 2: because ‘backend’ was undefined I deleted that DB in the newly populated Fauna Dashboard
When I run netlify dev now I get the following error message:
◈ Error during invocation: [ { message: ‘Invalid database secret.’ } ] Request from ::1: POST /.netlify/functions/backend Response with status 500 in 234 ms.
ACTION 5: netlify addons:create fauna && netlify addons:auth fauna AND I update my schema.graphql file inside the Fauna Dashboard
Now again my Fauna database is populated in the Fauna dashboard.
BUT now the problem is all of my queries are still trying to hit the /.netlify/functions/backend directory that was created in when I followed the old way of netlify:functions create
AND when I run netlify dev the project is still injecting my old credentials into the site:
◈ Netlify Dev ◈
◈ Injected addon env var: FAUNADB_ADMIN_SECRET
◈ Injected addon env var: FAUNADB_SERVER_SECRET
◈ Injected addon env var: FAUNADB_CLIENT_SECRET
◈ Starting Netlify Dev with gatsby
Waiting for localhost:8000.
◈ Lambda server is listening on 34567
ACTION 6: I deleted the /.netlify/functions/backend directory from my local files. And I even deleted my whole Netlify site. Created a new netlify site from the same git and local directory.
And now I am getting errors on Netlify Functions and Identity:
Hey there! I’m Lewis, a PM with Fauna. I’ve been chatting with the Netlify team about this.
Please try to create the function that you need in JS. netlify functions:create uses prebundled templates that probably doesn’t match the schema you are using
Try this:
netlify addons:create fauna
netlify addons:auth fauna
create your FaunaDB schema in the Console
create a functions folder and add to netlify.toml in the build.functions block:
functions = "functions"
Add the code needed to functions/whatever-function-name.js that talks to FaunaDB
Please let us know if this is helpful, and happy to continue helping on the Fauna side!
The request to https://graphql.fauna.com/import returns:
Use the following HTTP header to connect to the FaunaDB GraphQL API:
My app can connect to the db just fine through the Netlify function and I can query it using Apollo devtools.
However, as soon as I run:
$ netlify addons:auth
The database now shows in my FaunaDB dashboard but the request to https://graphql.fauna.com/import from running netlify dev:exec functions/fauna-graphql/sync-schema.js now returns:
Ref refers to undefined database 'e7f3f6ea-1d89-41b3-a4ea-d2b214793582'
And Netlify Dev logs this error when my app tries to use the function exactly like before:
Error during invocation: [ { message:
'Ref refers to undefined database \'e7f3f6ea-1d89-41b3-a4ea-d2b214793582\'',
extensions: { code: 'invalid ref' } } ]
I know it’s not a problem with the environment variables not being injected correctly or being outdated, because if I log the server secret and use it to connect to the db through the Fauna shell, it works fine:
That’s what I ended up doing, basically setting up the database manually instead of using the addon. It kind of defeats the purpose of having the addon though.
A fix for netlify addons:auth fauna breaking the connection went live this morning. Note: the fix only works for new integrations since FaunaDB does not have the power to update Netlify env variables after the import.