Hello there, If the bandwidth space is running out, do I get any email notifications? is this thing set by default or do I have to set it? where can I see it?
Hi @lucapu88 ! Yes, we send email notifications when you use 50%, 75% and 90% of the included bandwidth for your plan. If you have used 100% we will keep your site up and running by adding a pack of 100 GB of bandwidth to your account for $55.
More here in our docs: Billing FAQ | Netlify Docs and here: Netlify Pricing and Plans
Ok thank you, and how can I be sure that this happens? because I recently disabled the advertising emails because I was not interested in them, I don’t want to have disabled everything by mistake
Hiya @lucapu88 thanks for your patience with this. Despite unsubscribing in our advertising emails you will still be able to get email notifications about bandwidth and billing related queries. Just make sure you check your spam/junk just in case.
I hope this helps!