Educational Plan?

Hello! I am a student at a school and I was wondering, do you have any extra options for like an educational plan? I have a school project where I put together some games and it took off at my school. But since the website that I am hosting is rather large, I won’t be able to host all of my users. I was wondering, Could Netlify give me a free semi-upgrade? Like I just need more bandwidth. All the other plan usage stuff is find but, I would probably need 300-500GB of bandwidth including the amount that I have now: so 200-400GB added. I would be open to do advertising for you on our website. The reason our bandwidth is so high is because we host each individual game on a different page to reduce lag. If you could reach out or give me some thoughts on where you are that would be great! Thanks!

@FoundationINCCorpora Netlify don’t have an Educational Plan, or one with additional free bandwidth.

The most applicable plans are:

Starter Plan - as you’ve already mentioned this comes with some generous free inclusions - but you require more bandwidth.

Pro Plan - If you’re currently on a Starter Plan (100gb) then the Pro plan (1000gb) would cover your bandwidth requirements for $19/month, provided that you’re the only user/contributor. Note: This is significantly cheaper than paying overages of $55 per 100gb on the Starter Plan.

Open Source Plan - is the equivalent of a free ‘Pro’ plan but does come with additional eligibility requirements.

Other options to stay within the free inclusions would be to optimize what you’re hosting so that it uses less bandwidth, or to replace the site with a holding page yourself manually as it approaches the plan limits.

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Hello! Thanks for responding! How would I apply for the open source plan?

Hi @FoundationINCCorpora,

Thanks for following up. This is mentioned on the open source plan that was mentioned above. You’ll go here to apply for an open source plan.

Thanks so much @Melvin and @nathanmartin! You guys are life savers! Have a good day!

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