[domains] or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team

Hello I recently deleted an old account that was associated with 2 of my domains revinal.xyz and jaxonwatt.com and want to add it to my new site but when registering the domain I receive revinal.xyz & jaxonwatt.com or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.

My netlify page is revinal.netlify.app and I have added a TXT record for verified-for-netlify with this posts link for both domains

Hi @jaxonwatt,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to Netlify’s Support Forums!

I’ve verified the TXT Record. You should be able to add the domain to your site now. Let us know if you have any issues.

I still receive the same error for revinal.xyz.

Hi, thanks for reaching out and sharing this info! I have removed the dns zones from your domain. Can you please try again?

Yep, its all working now. Thank you!